How to add a listing to our business directory

New businesses after receiving your information, your business must first be approved by the fitnessintheDMV team first before it appears in the search results. This process normally can take up to three days or less, before the information can be verified. After verification of your business you will receive an email of your acceptance.If you’re a business owner (fitness center or personal trainer) and would like to add your business to the fitnessintheDMV directory follow the steps below.

  1. First run a search for your business to make sure it’s not already listed (click here)
  2. If your business is not yet listed, go to the top right corner of the page and click on (Join Now) to add your business to fitnessintheDMV.
  3. At the bottom left of the form click on (Not a member? Sign up)
  4. Please note that you will need to confirm the email address you provide to complete your business submission.
  5. After you receive your temporary password in your email, you can login and begin to enter your business information in the provided fields.
  6. When you add your pictures, the preferred image size 600×400

Click Add business ​

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